Tag: Miriam Makeba

  • Broadcasting From Home Podcast 95: International Women\’s Day

    For International Women\’s Day Scrappy\’s curated an all-female show for your listening pleasure.  It was tough going through a long list of great female artists and paring it down for a tight hour of great music,  but Scrappy\’s hoping he pulled it off. This week\’s celebration of International Women\’s Day features music from Sheila Chandra,…

  • Broadcasting From Home Podcast 12

    Running late after having to deal with the whole Scrappyleaks fiasco for most of the week, Scrappy is finally able to get podcast 12 out the door. Overusing the term \”pay tribute\” to the point where it\’s laughable, Scrappy is broadcasting live from Houston, Texas, where he, umm, pays tribute to George Harrison\’s All Things…