Tag: Dr. John
Broadcasting From Home Podcast 82
Summertime is upon us, the solstice is past, Gay Pride month is almost over, and with July 4th right around the corner, your friend Scrappy is back with some uptempo summer-y music for your listening pleasure. This week\’s podcast features music from Fleet Foxes. Willie Nelson, Dr. John, Pet Shop Boys, Arcade Fire, Uncle Tupelo…
Broadcasting From Home Podcast 78
We\’re right on the eve of 2019 and Scrappy returns with an all-new podcast from the all-new studio P down in Pensacola, FL. That\’s right, Scrappy\’s once again got new digs. This week\’s podcast features music from the likes of Joe Cocker, Damien Jurado, Karen Dalton, Dr. John, Joan Jett, and much more. So come…